Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hey guys, I just want to talk to you guys about the new expirience for xbox 360. The best expirience microsoft ever did for xbox 360. This is the most funniest thing u can do with your xbox you can buy this camera scaner for your xbox 360, and you can start using this camera scaning to play your games without your controller you play with your hands you controller your xbox 360 with your hands. Microsoft wanted to do something like the Wii but what microsoft wanted to do is to make something bigger then the Wii. And what they did is they instead of using controller to play your games like the Wii and make it unreal, so they wanted to make it so realistic and more fun that people would love to play and enjoy and would buy the system and make xbox 360 a huge (hit). Now i`m a talk about how this system works. This system all you need is you hand no controller no battery no nothing. You can talk to your system and it would listen to you and do has it told. In this video they will show you how to play games and how fun it is to play them games, so practicly its you doing all the work and no one to help you.

Click the below the link to see what im talking about awsome video.

Thanks for read my blog.

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