Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Hello bloggers, today's game is wolfenstein. This game is first shooter, this game is about kill all the german's and nazis and distroy all there robots. This game is pretty fun to play, because they're alot of fantisize things going on while your playing this game. What I mean by fantisize, i mean like they got guns that are not real like theres this one gun you use, it shots out blue lazer I found that actualy pretty cool. This game has one problem is to dark sometimes that you cant see your enemy's, but what they did for that is you click the arrow down, and it will change your screen to green and you can see everything, and it also opens walls. And then theres a button that would let your game go slow motion and you have to kill as much as enemy's you can. Theres something that hit me, while i was playing that game, i was walking in a room and i started to float in the room and all you see is my enemy's are floating too, and while where all floating i just shot the enemy's and kill them, i found that pretty fun and something new.
I am going to show you guys a little video of what im talking about.

WWE SmackDown Vs Raw 2010

Hello bloggers, today's game is WWE SmackDown Vs Raw 2010. If you are a huge wwe fan, and you love wresling, this is the game you should get. This game has so much better graphic then 2009, they changed alot this year. This year they got new entrance, they got new moves, they also changed your special move, when you get a special move your screen will change to black and white and go slow motion to make it more realistic and fun to watch. Now they have new attitude when your friend is laying on the ground you can click the right or left arrow and give them attitude. They got a new story mode ofcourse, the players looks so much more realistic feels like your watching them on tv. They put new wrestlers now, like Sheamus and more. They brought back the legends in to 2010 too. But whats new about this game now is that, you can make your own player, your own moves, your own everything. You can play story mode with your own player that you made. And you can share your created player online show your friends, and even make trades players online, wich i find pretty awesome. Here's a little video of what im talking about.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Hello bloggers, today`s game is saw. This game is the most exciting, scary and surprising game ever. They made this game the rule same everything as the movie, and that makes the game even better, because you just like watched the movie, and you wonder how does it feel, what i mean by feel i mean like the moment, when you would be playing it would be you like die in the game, so I found that very interesting, and pretty awesome. I always wanted to know how it would feel if it was you in that persone spot, and this game is a good experience if you always wanted to know how it feels. This game starts with you stuck in a chair, and your like lost then you see the tv goes on and a man talking how you only have certain time, and if you don't beat the clock you will die, and restart. This game you have to be like smart and think outside the box to play and win the game, because this game you got to find some clues and you have to understand what Jigsaw tells you or you would just fail the mission. The game play is really hard to play, because you have to move with your joy stick and click buttons you got to be fast, and read the buttons of the tv.

Thank you for visiting, ill show you guys a trailer video.

Army Of Two: The 40th Day

Hello bloggers, today`s game is army of two: the 40th day. This game is the second game they make for amy of two, they changed this game. The graphic got so much better, they made it more realistic you have building falling down crashing in to other building breaking stuff messing up the hole city. You have hostage, and enemy`s are surrounding them and your mission to save those hostage, and kill all your enemy`s. They got amazing new guns, they have new attachement and i found the attachement awsome, becasue you can put so much accesories on your gun that would help you be a better player, you can put a shotgun on a machine gun, and you can put sheild, scope, even color, and much more. In the game you sneek around them and make them surrender, then after just kill them all. This game is all about team work, you have to help your friend not to die, and if his down pick him up, and put him in a safe place and heal him. This game is perfect for 2 players gameplay, because you can play with your friends at your house or online and try to beat the game or get some achiments, and have a great time.

Im going to show you guys a video to show you guys how amazing this game is going to be.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

UFC Undisputed 2009

Hello Bloggers, today's game is ufc undisputed 2009, this game is one of the first ufc game ever made, and i think they made a great job doing this game. This game is unbelivable, if you are a ufc fan i think you should buy this game, this game would blow your mind out. The first time i saw the comercial on tv i did not belvie it i went and bought it the first day it came out. This game has amazing knock outs, amzing take downs, submisions and more. When you knock out a guy the screen changes to black and white and will show you in slow motion, how you knock him out, it would show you how your mouth piece fell out, this game is just realistic. Now i have to tell you this game is very hard to play at first when i tried playing this game i did not know how to take down anyone or submission or anything, just punch and kick, so you have to play training mode to know how to play, the hard part i found is the take down and the reversal. The career mode is pretty fun to, you make your own player trying to get in ufc then tryin to get higher and higher to have a chance to verse the champ and to become more famous and rich. On xbox live you play verses people this is the fun part you can talk so much trash while playing if you are good and then knock out your opponent.

Thanks for reading, theres a little video i want to show you guys.


Hello bloggers, today's game is Borderlands, this game reminds me of halo, because your enemy looks like halo's enemy's a little bit, because in halo your killing aliens, and so does borderlands. In this game you can pick 4 character, each character has a different skill type. In this game first you will start off with a pistol, but while playing you will get better guns, they're like over thousands of guns while playing your campain, you will get better guns every time you advance in your campain. The guns they made are so creative, they made a gun that you can electricute your enemy's with it, and theres more guns that are pretty creative too. This type of expirence is suppose to be played for single player, but you can also play multiplayer, you can play up to 4 people. You can play 4 player CO-OP, wich is an amazing expirence to play with your friends and beat the campain online. This game is fun to have friends over and play with them, this game is all ready out in stores.

Thanks for reading my blog and im going to show you guys a little video to show you what im talking about.